Note: Gateway to Promise: Canada’s First Japanese Community did not have an index in its first edition, although it was intended to have one in subsequent editions.
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Aki Maru, 56
Aoyagi, Yeichi, 218
arches, 54, 58, 77
Asaka, Shukan, 91
assimilation, 44, 94, 98, 328, 361
Assiniboia, SK, 116, 144
barbers, 66, 70, 78, 113, 279, 332, 365
Barnard, Frank, 182, 184
baseball, 89, 177, 179, 225-229, 255,
274-275, 322, 345, 351, 358, 360-361
basketball, 230-231, 255, 320, 323-324
bazaar (other), 28, 39, 49, 65, 67, 173, 201
Bazaar, Japanese, see Japanese Bazaar
BC Electric Railroad Co. (BCER), 55, 78, 182-185
Beacon Hill Park 75, 111, 126, 207, 277-281
Beaver Lake, 91
Benkei-san (Kusumi, Yosujiro), 165, 188,
297, 347, 363
boat builders, 44, 67, 131-132
Brock, Miss Madeleine, 141, 142, 155
Buddhism (Buddhist Church), 91, 99
Butchart 55, 185, 198-201, 297-298
C.G.I.T. (Canadian Girls in Training), 141,
155, 259, 277, 313, 356
California Gold Rush, 12, 158, 303
Camosun (VHS yearbook), 89-90, 238, 245,
Caribbean, 28
cemetery - see Ross Bay cemetery
census, 68
Chemainus, 90, 113-114
cherry blossoms - see sakura
Chinese Girls’ Rescue Home - see Oriental
Chinese Public School, 87
Christianity, 50, 64, 95, 146, 147, 250,
Church, Japanese, 50, 88-89, 135, 141, 146,
147-155, 175-176, 180, 243, 246,
city directory, 38, 91, 122
cleaners, Japanese, 109, 113 - see also
pressers, cleaning
Cordova Bay, 76, 142, 155, 162, 219, 323
Courtenay, 91, 324
Crystal Gardens, 84, 100, 236, 254, 267-268,
280, 287, 292, 295, 298, 337, 341, 345
Cumberland, 90, 113
curfew, 110-112, 119-120, 143, 263, 282
Custodian of Enemy Property, 112, 115
dance groups, 95, 210, 276, 286, 357
Depression, Great, 80, 84
Dilworth, Ira, 327, 334
domestics, 37, 44, 264-265, 329, 364
Dorey, Rev. George, 143
dry-cleaners - also cleaners, pressers, 90-91
Duncan, 113-114, 119, 171, 254, 268, 346, 348
Easter, 296, 312, 341
education 51, 87-90
Elk Lake, 91, 222,
Ellis, William, 42
employment agency, 66, 174
Empress Ships (CPR), 80
Englewood, 113
Esquimalt, see Takata, Kozuki, 113, 196, 345
Fanny Bay, 113
farms, farming, 53, 92, 114, 142, 219-224, 314
Fielding, Al, 193-194
fishing, 49, 108, 259-261, 318-319, 348-350,
352-353, 361
Flattery, Cape, 7-9
float, Japanese, 202-207, 334
food, Japanese, 162-166, 314-317, 346, see also
farms, farming
Fort Langley, 28
Fraser River, 7, 10-12, 17, 28, 40, 43, 131, 159,
168, 169-170, 348, 353
fruitcake, sultana, 297, 200
Fujin Katei, see Oriental Home
Fujiwara, 75
Fukushima, Hideo, 359
Furuya (store), 162, 298, 357, 378
Fushimi, Prince, 56, 58
Futcher, T.S., 130-131
Gabriel, Charles, 34, 37, 114, 124-134
Gama, Ischia, 130
Garden, Japanese Tea see Japanese Tea Garden
gardens, Japanese, 54-56
Gardiner, John Endicott 135-136
generation gap, 94-99
Gentlemen’s Agreement, 81-82
George Jay School, 333, 351, 355
George VI, King, see K.
Gogakko Hall, see church hall
golf 235, 274, 284
Gorge (waterway), 44, 66-67, 181-196, 315, 343
Gorge Amusement Park, 55, 91, 340
Grant’s Lake, 326-327
Grenville, Point, 7-8
Gulf Islands, BC, 114, 131
Hamaguchi, Masa, 90
Hasegawa, Yasuo, 50, 90, 108, 148, 218, 320
Hastings Park, 112, 301
Hatley Castle, 199, 363
Hawaii, 33, 59-61
Hayashi, 362
Henderson, Miss, 140
Henmi (Hemmy), 90, (Sokichi) 112, 243-245,
(Eiko) 118, 238, 245
Hirahara 246
Hirano, 65
Hiroshima, 66, 220, 269, 283, 335, 355
Hoita, Rikuzo, 77
Hoita, Robert, 112, 115, 359-60
Hojun Maru, 7-8
Honda, Jingoro, 66
Hong Kong, fall of, 103-105, 107
Hudson’s Bay Co., 7, 128
Hutchison, Bruce, 86
Imperial Naval visits, see naval visits
Indian (native aboriginal), 11, 44, 164, 171, 259,
313, 349
Ioi family, 93, 162, 163, 223-224, 230-231, 237,
247-255, 271, 306, 322-323, 332, 360,
Ishida (fam.), 200, 360, 366
Ishida Hotel, xiii, 78, 162, 203, 231, 298,
305-306, 360, 362,
Ishidate, Sumio, 32, 34, 65-71, 91, 174, 186, 91,
172, 174, 186, 331
issei, use of word, 65
Ito, Marquis, 40
Ito, Roy, 170
“Jap”, use of, 37
Japanese [Community] Association 95, 99, 142,
207, 273
Japanese Bazaar 27-28, 34, 37-38, 114,
124-133, 215
Japanese Language School, 88-89, 108, 151,
293, 333, 345-361
Japanese Methodist [Mission] Church, 135,
147-155, 355
Japanese Tea Garden, 54-56, 66, 75, 181-200,
219, 297
Jaycees, 203
JCCL (Japanese Canadian Citizens League), 93,
95-100, 108, 112, 237-238, 262, 361, 367
Jubilee, 40, 203-204
judo, 88, 230-232, 244, 271, 305, 354
Kaburagi, Rev. Goro, 51, 149
Kagoshima, 66
Kakehashi, 214
Kakuno, 222, 297
Kamachi, Kaizo, 360
Kanada Doho Hatten Shi, 1, 65, 91, 72
Kanada Doho Hatten Taikan: Furoku, 33, 91,
126, 169
Kanada to Nihonjin, 93
Kanagawa, 26, 66
Kaneda, 223-224
Karatsu, Peter (& family), 93, 259-260
Katayama, George, 38
Kato, Rev. Akimasu, 148, 217, 249
Kawabe, Teikichi, 147-148
Kawahara, 361
Kawai, 65
Kawakami, Sumio, 124
Kawase, 115
Kawasoe, 107-108, 115, 235, 236, 237, 276, 350,
Kawata, 49, 115
Kimoto, Tom, 252, 361
kindergarten, 51, 87-88, 140, 142-143, 146, 154,
King George VI, 63, 296, 322
Kinsmen, 109
Kirishima, HIJMS, 77-78
Kishida, Isaburo, 55, 184-185, 198-199, 201,
Kishida, Yoshitaro (Yoshijiro) (Joe), 55, 66,
183-185, 336
Kiyooka, 255-258
Klondike restaurant, 66, 269
Kobayashi, Hideji, 215-217
Kobori, Yonetaro, 66, 269
Kondo, 93, 108, 238, 259-263, 302
Koreyeda, Taketomo, 217
Koyama, 108, 117, 246, 264-268, 336, 343,
350, 380
Kozuki, 269-270
Kuchinotsu, 171-172, 178
Kumeric, 59
Kuroki, Baron, 56-59
Kuroshio, 5
Kusano, Lt. H. 46-47, 266
Kusumi, Yosujiro, 362
Kusumoto, 155, 270-271
Kuwabara, Bumpei and family, 70, 91-92, 151,
174-175, 272-277
Kuwabara, Eiichi, 148
Kuwabara, Masa, 274-275, 280, 295, 345
Kuwata (family), 115, 278-288, 235
Kuzume (Benkei-san)306, 347, 363
Lampson School, 270, 340, 343, 345, 352
ackenzie, Hon. Ian, 109
Manchuria, 48, 51, 56, 83
Mariette Dressmaking School, 263, 291
Martin, Miss, 142, 155
Matsubayashi, 223
Maynard, Max, 344, 352
McClung, Nellie, 238
McGavin, Mayor Andrew, 100
Meiji Restoration, 15, 26, 29
Methodist Church (later United Church), 68,
135, 72-79, 135, 147-155, 175, 223, 250,
270, 304, 346
Methodist Mission (see Japanese Church,
Methodist Church), 50, 64, 68, 88
Methodist Missionary Society, 138, 146,
148-149 (see also Oriental Home)
Metropolitan Methodist Church, 136-137,
Mikado Bazaar, 49, 65
Mikans, 63, 157-161
Mikuni, Kisuke, 114, 127, 132, 148
Mizuno, George Hiyoshi, 76, 176, 222-224,
297, 313, 323
mochi, 158, 165-166, 296
Monmouth, HMS, 58
Mori, 115, 276, 364
Morimoto, U., 91
Morita, 204, 276, 286-287, 255, 257, 265,
movies, 305, 346, 356
Muneyama, Yoshitaro, 214-215
My Valet Cleaners, 300, 366
agano family, 32, 49, 65, 70, 91, 125, 148,
173, 170, 172, 167-180
Nakabayashi, Annie, 75, 87-89, 155, 288
Nakashini, Sadao, 148, 151
Nakayama, Jinshiro, 33, 93, 126, 168-69
Nanaimo, 106, 114, 154-155, 316, 366
naval cemetery, 46-47
naval visits, 19, 29, 46-47, 77-78, 305
New Canadian, The, 86, 112-113, 118, 238,
299-300, 328, 368
New Westminster, 11-12, 33, 74, 133,
167-171, 261
Newby, Cpt. John, 34-35, 126
Nihonjin Kyokai, 148, see also Japanese
Nihonjinkai, see Japanese Association
Nippon, see baseball
Nishimoto, Zenkichi and family, 66-67, 89,
108, 185, 220-221, 265, 302, 343
Nitobe, Dr. Inazo, 101-102, 214
Noda, Tadashi, 362-363
North Ward School, 203, 277, 320-321, 350
ofuro (Japanese bath), 66, 188, 221, 295, 341,
Ogura, Rev. Y. & Mrs., 141, 148, 250, 333
Ohsuga, Kogyo, 91
Ohtake, 364
Okamoto, 69, 107, 108, 155, 162, 221, 237-238,
262, 265, 275, 289-302, 323, 332, 355,
365, 367-368
Old Cemeteries Society, 214
Oliver, Premier John, 78, 82
Olsen, B.C., 130-131
Onafa, 57
Onishi, 90, 113, 364
Ono, (Sukeshiro, family), 66, 108, 220,
Oppenheimer brothers, 62, 158-161
oratory, 93, 237-238
Orbit, brig, 24-25
Order-in-Council, 110-111
Oriental Bazaar, 173
Oriental Home (Women’s Home),87, 115,
134-146, 288, 319, 333, 350
Osawa Hotel, 39, 49, 65-66, 252, 305-306, 336
Osawa, family, 303-306
Osawa, Magoichi, 148
Osterhout, Dr., 76, 149
Ozawa, 216, see also Osawa
Pacific War, 106-107
parade, 203-208, 296
Pearl Harbor, 105, 263, 353
Pendray cup, 267
picture brides, 82, 256
ping-pong, 225, 236, 277, 345
population figures, 44
Port Alberni, 113, 115
Port Hardy, 114
Port McNeill, 113
Port Moody, 12-13, 170
Powell Street, 134
pressers, 70, 90-91, 144-145 see also (dry)
Princess Joan (ship), 114, 116, 354, 368
Quadra School, 246, 261, 276, 286, 320, 332
Railway, (
BCER) see BC Electric RR
railway, Trans-Canadian, 11-13, 29
Restorer (Cable Ship), 353
reunion, 1992, 286, 369-372
riot of 1907, 59-62
Rithet’s Pier, 319
River’s Inlet, 337
rooming houses, 38-39, 70, 78, 360
Rose Harbour, 352
Ross Bay Cemetery, 173, 213-218, 289, 303,
Rowland, 221
Royal (Victoria) Athletic Park, 204, 351
Royal Commission, 39, 41-45
Royal Roads (University), 35, 55, 185, 199, 218
Royston, 91
Russo-Japanese War, 51-54, 65, 72
Saita, Miss Aiko, 210
Sakauye, Kim, see Yamamoto
Sakiyama, Mokichi, 77
sakura (flowering cherries), 55-58, 92-93,
116-117, 196, 201-212, 254333
Sameshima, Minetaka, 365
Saruwatari, Mary, 116, 368, see also Okamoto
sawmills, 37
Scott, Mrs., 277, 364-365
sealing, 37, 44, 71
Security Commission, BC, 11, 342
Security Commission, Federal 115, 143
Shimizu family, 91, 163, 307-317; Tsutomo
(Stum), 93, 224, 307; Yoshio (Yon), 90,
318-327; Kunio, 327-330, 341
Shimizu Rice Mill, 298, see also Shimizu Family
Shimizu, Kusaburo, 74-79, 91, 141, 149-50, 175,
223, 243, 288, 305
shoe repair, 66, 251, 332, 365-366
showboat, 210-211, 277, 301
Shoyama, Tom, 263, 299, 328
Sidney, 76, 114, 144, 316, 349-350
Sino-Japanese War, 48
Smith, Sally, see Kuwata family story
Sons of Canada, 228
sports, 225-238
Spring Ridge School, 355
Steveston, 38, 148, 259-260, 303, 348-50
Sumida, Rigenda, 92, 167-168
Sunday School, Japanese, 76, 84, 92, 95, 116,
143, 152, 154, 246, 253, 276, 356
tailor, 16, 39, 44, 49, 66, 70, 91, 358
Tairiku Nippo-sha, 65, 250, 328, 343
Takahashi, Hideo, 366
Takahashi, Kosaburo, 203, 331-334, 355
Takata family 91, 219, 267, 335-346, 359
Takata, Toyo, 113, 170, 172, 226, 299, 340
Tamura, 37, 127, 133-134
Tanaka, 49, 155, 223
Tanouye, 216
Tea Garden, see Japanese Tea Garden
Terry’s Ice Cream, 162, 230, 301, 324
Tiger, 34-36
Tillicum (area), 219-222, 265
Tillicum dairy, 219-222
Tillicum School, 267
Togo, 53, 90, 203, 331, 355
Tolmie School, 292
Toyofuku, Atushi, 75
Tramway Gorge Park, 183-185
Tsukuba, 19, 30-31
Tsuyuki, Mr., 356
Tumbo Island, 37, 130-132
Tuxis, 84, 154, 230, 357
Tweedsmuir, Lord, 193
nion Club, 337
United Church, see Methodist Japanese Church
Uyede, Miye. 366
Uyede, Toshio, 305
Uyede, Umekichi, Kunizo, 88, 108, 155, 244,
347-354, 362
veteran, 47, 49, 80, 82, 115, 359
Victoria High School (VHS), 89, 328, 351, 355,
361, 368
Victoria Normal School, 289
Wakaba-kai, 66-67
Wanibe, T., 65, 91
Warren, Herbert, 202, 207-208, 212
Watanabe, Nobuhei, 113, 115
Watt, Dr. Alfred, 42
William Head Quarantine Station, 56-57, 323,
Willows Beach, Park, 233, 297
Willows, Miss, 143
Wilson Hotel, 366
Women’s Home, see Oriental Home
Women’s Missionary Society, 115, 150
yakata (boat), 185
Yamamoto family, 93, 151, 204, 244, 355-357
Yoneda, 90, 366-368
Yoneda, Marion, 238
Yoneda, Masa Takahashi, 333
Yoshida, Shige, 114
Yuasa, Mavis, 98, 114