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Images of Internment

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Images of Internment: Life in the New Denver Internment Camp 1942-1946

Images of Internment

Dr. Shimizu created a series of oil paintings based on his life in New Denver—reflections of his teenage years spent in the Japanese Internment Camp during World War II. The book reproduces 27 of his paintings which are accompanied by 27 stories that reflect his bitter-sweet memory of those years. Dr. Henry Shimizu went on to a distinguished career as a surgeon in Edmonton and to serve at the forefront of the Redress Movement.

Images of Internment: Life in the New Denver Internment Camp 1942-1946
by Dr. Henry Shimizu
published by TI-JEAN PRESS
full colour throughout
ISBN 978-1-896627-16-8
68 pages, paperback

$26.95 + $9.00 Shipping and Handling